Car name meanings
ACURA | Another Crummy, Useless, Rotten Automobile |
AMC | Another Major Catastrophe |
AUDI | Another Ugly Deutsche Invention |
| All Unnecessary Devices Installed |
| Always Unsafe Designs Implemented |
| Accelerates Under Demonic Influence |
BMW | Bought My Wife |
| Big Money Waste |
| Big Money Works |
| Break My Window |
| Brings Me Women |
| Break My Windows |
| Basic Marin Wheels |
| Brutal Money Waster |
| Break My Windshield |
| Bimbette Motor Weapon |
| Born Moderately Wealthy |
| Beastly Monstrous Wonder |
| Babbling Mechanical Wench |
| Beautiful Mechanical Wonder |
| Bumbling Mechanical Wretch |
| Blasphemous Motorized Wreck |
| Beautiful Masterpieces On Wheels |
BUICK | Big Ugly Import Car Killer |
| Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer |
CADILLAC | Crazy And Demented Idiots Like Large American Cars |
CHEVROLET | Can Hear Every Valve Rap On Long Extended Trips |
| Cheap Heap, Every Valve Rattles, Oil Leaks Every Time |
| Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time |
| Cracked Heads, Every Valve Rattles, Oil Leaks Every Time |
| Condition Hopeless, Entire Vehicle Relies On Leftover Engine Technology |
DODGE | Dead or Dying Gas Eater |
| Dem Old Dudes Go Everywhere |
| Dead On Day Guarantee Expires |
| Dear Old Dad's Geriatric Express |
| Drips Oil, Drops Grease Everywhere |
FIAT | Fun In A Taxi |
| Fix It All Time |
| Fix It Any Time |
| Fix It Again Tony |
| Fucked In The Ass Twice |
| Failure In Automotive Technology |
| Futile Italian Attempt at Transportation |
| Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation |
| Failure in Italian Automotive Technology |
FORD | First On Race Day |
| Fix Or Repair Daily |
| First On Recall Day |
| Fails On Rainy Days |
| Fucked On Race Day |
| Found On Road Dead |
| Fucking Old Rust Dog |
| First On Road to Dump |
| Fucked Over Road Debris |
| Fast Only Rolling Downhill |
| Flip Over, Read Directions |
| Fucker Only Runs Downhill |
| Found On a Rubbish Dump |
| Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge |
| Fucking Obsolete Road Device |
| First On Rust and Deterioration |
| Fraternal Order of Restored DeSotos |
GEO | Good Engineering Overlooked |
GM | Great Mistake |
| Goshdarn Mess |
| General Maintenance |
GMC | Gets Mechanics Crazy |
| Got A Mechanic Coming |
| Garage Man's Companion |
GOLF | Got Another Little Friend |
GTI | Brutal Money Waster |
HONDA | Had One Never Did Again |
| Hang On, Not Done Accelerating |
HYUNDAI | How Your Usual Nerd Drives An Import |
| Hope You Understand Nothing's Drivable And Inexpensive |
JEEP | Junk Engineering Executed Poorly |
LTD | Last Try from Detroit |
MAZDA | My Another Zany Detroit Assassin |
| Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along |
MERCEDES | Most Expensive Road Car Everyone Drives Except Salesmen |
| Most Eccentric Rich Capitalists Enjoy Driving Expensive Sedans |
MG | Money Guzzler |
MITSUBISHI | Mostly In The Shop Undergoing Big Investments, Sometimes Halfway Incomplete |
MOPAR | Miscellaneous Oddball Parts Assembled Ridiculously |
MUSTANG | Men Usually Stand Together And Never Go |
| Mostly Unwanted Scrap Tin And Needless Garbage |
NISSAN | Nine Idiots Standing, Saying Absolutely Nothing |
OLDSMOBILE | Old Loose Dented Sheet Metal Out-dated By Infamies Like Edsel |
| Oh Look Dammit! Some Massive Oil Burning Idiot's Leaking Everything |
| Old Lady Driving Slowly Making Others Behind Incredibly Late Everyday |
| Old Ladies Driving Slowly Make Others Behind Infuriatingly Late Everyday |
| Overpriced, Leisurely Driven Sedan Made Of Buick's Irregular Leftover Equipment |
PINTO | Put In Nickel To Operate |
| Put in new transmission often |
PONTIAC | Pows Or Niggas Think It´s A Caddy |
| Poor Old Nitwit Thinks It’s A Cadillac |
| Poor Old Negroes Think It's A Cadillac |
| Pur Old Neanderthal Thinks It's An Cadillac |
PORSCHE | Proof Of Rich Spoiled Children Having Everything |
| Piece Of Retired Scrap, Continually High Expense |
SAAB | Such An Arrogant Bastard |
| Sorry Assed Auto Builders |
| Swedish Automobiles Are Best |
| Send Another Automobile Back |
| Shape Appears Ass-Backwards |
| Stupid, Arrogant Asshole Babies |
| Swedish Automobile Always Broken |
SUBARU | Screwed Up Beyond All Repair Usually |
TOYOTA | The Only You Ought To Avoid |
| Too Often Yankees Overprice This Auto |
VOLVO | Vehicles Of Low Velocity Owners |
| Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object |
VW | Virtually Worthless |
YAMAHA | Your Awful Motorbikes Are Here Again |